Retrofitting Machines For Industrial 4.0 Standards


Your equipment may represent millions in capital expenditure and years of planning. Retrofitting your existing machines is to improve or add new features such as always-on monitoring, data analytics, detecting defective products, or predictive maintenance.

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) helps to streamline manufacturing and provide information of a machine’s production volume, downtime, and overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and optimization of power and production downtime. IIoT enables production flow monitoring, industrial automation, energy efficiency, and process monitoring.

Retrofitting is important for today’s industrial plant with improving features of the machine for performance and safety.  Retrofitting your equipment may be a solution for necessary upgrades compared to alternative large transformations and spending of capital upfront. 

Mueller Electric creates the ability to focus on precise results. One smaller upgrade can lead to another, and another which in turn allows plant managers and operators to slowly adapt their production floors to become more Industry 4.0 and smart factory-oriented through increments.  Whether you’re wanting to boost productivity, enhance performance, or improve safety, Mueller Electric provides valuable guidance to help you make informed decisions about retrofitting your machinery to meet Industry 4.0 standards.

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